
I feel shaky, my hands quaky.

My skin peeling off. Bits of me blowing in the dry, hot wind. 

I speak the language of city lights and traffic, fluent in the rage born in that trapped feeling. 

“Don’t forget to compare yourself!” cries the city. “Don’t forget to measure your pain!”

Sparkling eyes and bright voices, speak in spiritual tongues.

But nowhere to be heard is the light gurgle of laughter, or the gentle ringing bell of a curiously asked question. 

“we should meet for coffee” he says “you can talk for an hour and tell me all about it”

before name dropping a celebrity to remind of his importance.

Streams of sounds pass, the revving of the cars the only constant. 

Chocking on my choices, my sleep leaves with my hope. 


I am cute. A beautiful being made of stardust, gaseous clouds leaving my bottom when I eat beans. I am music, sound. Breath & signs & silent screams & lilysong. I am here. I feel… things… I sit on things and cook things. I am spirals and color, orange skin on a summer day. I am aching for something, a cutting knife, kneading dough. I am a laugh buried under unshed tears. I am a sexy dancer hidden behind a good girl.


I’m stuck in a circle my love

a loop going round and round

up and down

left and right

black and white he said

Someone once talked about the Yin Yang of it all

a tattoo on a shoulder

a girl getting older

a season leading to a summer, a fall, a winter

a cyclical thing

unavoidable it seems

a late night with no dreams

the morning sun rising

the moon not far behind

on repeat


until what???

An unanswered question

Only death can bring

the new birth of spring